God And Israel And Trump

This is supposed to be a blog on Technology found within the pages of the Bible. But today I am going to go full Op Ed. Obviously the events of the last few days have been shocking and have caught the attention of the world. This will be about Trump and Israel.

I never thought Trump was a particularly Godly man. He is certainly brash, and obnoxious and a lot of other things. He was also a darn fine President. Anyone who reads the Bible knows that God frequently chose un-perfect men to advance his plan and carry out his will and prophecy. With the exception of Noah, Enoch, and Jesus everyone else had some serious character flaws. Yet they were instrumental in the establishment of the Jewish nation of Israel.

Suffice to say this is my opinion and not Biblical. But I stand by what I say.

In December of 2017, President Trump declared that the US would recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. This was epic. Trump was compared to Cyrus who was shown texts written over 150 years before his birth showing that he allowed the Temple to be rebuilt. He released the Jews and funded construction. After seeing Isaiah he did just that.

So it is MY BELIEF that Donald Trump has found some sort of favor with God for declaring Jerusalem the Capital. Does that make him perfect? Nope. Not even close. All I am saying is that those who stand with Israel and assist Israel receive blessings from God.

Every single thing that has been done to bring about his downfall has failed. Miserably. And just a few days ago an assassin’s bullet missed his brain by an estimate of 2 inches. The saving grace was a head turn and a 7mph cross wind that sprang up. I’m sorry. You can call it luck or un-luck or whatever but you simply cannot convince this guy that there was not an intervention.

Then to boot the guy stands up and raises his fist in the air with blood on his ear and face. It is a photo as iconic as the flag raising on Iwo Jima. Or as iconic as the Sailor kissing the Nurse after WW2. This picture will dominate the history books.

So, do I think Trump is perfect?  No.  Do I follow him blindly?  No.   Do I agree with everything he says or does?  No.  I’m betting King David had detractors.  So did the Apostles.   Am I saying Trump is on par with David or the Apostles?  No.  I’m saying they had detractors. 

The bottom line is the Bible is all about Israel.  And more specifically about Jerusalem.   And it is about salvation of the Jewish nation.   The Bible isn’t about the USA. 

But again, I know that blessings are bestowed upon those who support Israel.  The Bible says so. 

The Call of Abram

Genesis Chapter12: The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

“I will make you into a great nation,
    and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
    and you will be a blessing.[a]
I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
    will be blessed through you.”[b]

That’s not the only place that such is stated but it’s a biggie and it is right off the bat in Genesis. 

So did Trump bless Israel by declaring Jerusalem to be its Capital and placing our Embassy there?  You had better believe he did.   And for that it appears, at least to me, that this is what we are witnessing today. 

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