Mind Control In The Bible

For some reason today my mind is astounded at the things that people believe in these days. Here is a quick list of things that baffle me:

  • Hatred of Jews and Israel
  • Allowing children to have sex changes performed on them
  • An attempt to normalize pedophilia
  • Thinking men can be women
  • Thinking women can be men
  • Thinking men can be pregnant
  • A desire to kill unborn children
  • The economy is great
  • Secret Societies do great works

I could probably sit here all day and think up a longer list, but that will suffice for now. And I question how it is possible to believe in some of these things. They are all essentially evil in my mind. So then I began to wonder if the devil can plant thoughts in your mind.

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At Mid-Day Ashdod Will Be Emptied

Short and Sweet. Zephaniah 2 states:

Gaza will be abandoned
    and Ashkelon left in ruins.
At midday Ashdod will be emptied
    and Ekron uprooted.

Yesterday (August 3, 2024) I read this article in the Jewish Press

At least five long-range rockets were fired at the area around the southern port city of Ashdod at midday Sunday, prompting a decision by the city to open its public bomb shelters.

The way I’m reading this, the city of Ashdod emptied at midday. You can decide for yourself whether this is fulfilled prophecy or maybe an event yet to come in the future. Which ever it is, it sure caught my attention.

And once again I point out that this was written about 2,600 years ago. What if Israel remained all part of the Roman Empire? What if Egypt occupied all this area? What if Gaza was under the control of Israel? What if there were peace and harmony forever in this region?

If you write something 2,600 years ago the variables produced by history, by man, by governments are staggering to calculate. And yet the Bible nails it. 100% spot on. Gaza is a mess, Ashdod empties, Ashkelon catches rockets from Gaza all the time. I’m not sure about Ekron. But whatever it relates to you can be sure it will be fulfilled.

The Bible is the literal Word Of God that declares the beginning from the end. God tells you what is going to happen so you’ll know he’s God. The Bible predicted the coming of Jesus TO THE DAY. And the Bible contains 2/3rds more prophecy regarding the end of days than it does the coming of Jesus.

Buckle Up.

God And Israel And Trump

This is supposed to be a blog on Technology found within the pages of the Bible. But today I am going to go full Op Ed. Obviously the events of the last few days have been shocking and have caught the attention of the world. This will be about Trump and Israel.

I never thought Trump was a particularly Godly man. He is certainly brash, and obnoxious and a lot of other things. He was also a darn fine President. Anyone who reads the Bible knows that God frequently chose un-perfect men to advance his plan and carry out his will and prophecy. With the exception of Noah, Enoch, and Jesus everyone else had some serious character flaws. Yet they were instrumental in the establishment of the Jewish nation of Israel.

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Ivy League College Students and Israel

Ivy League College Students and Israel

Wow! This is a strange one. And one I feel some compulsion to write. I was looking for technical bible stories to write about and nothing was speaking to me. So then I started looking for CRAZY Bible Stories. What I stumbled into, I believe is relevant to those newly opposed to Israel. Our college campuses are filling up with demonstrators AGAINST Israel and FOR “Palestine”.

Let this be a crazy sounding lesson for you.

First of all, I believe in the entirety of the Bible. Talking Burning Bushes, Jesus walking on water, and walking through walls. Swallowed by a fish, and lastly, talking donkeys.

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Organized Religion

Organized Religion

This has been on my mind as of late and I recognize it is a bit off of the subject of Bible Technology. So I’ll keep this post as brief as possible. This kind of stems from me attending a church occasionally that doesn’t really speak to my soul. There is singing, announcements, a kids session, repetitive credos and if you are lucky you might get 5 or 6 versus of actual scripture. Most of the sermons are what I call “Feel Good” sermons.

Nothing wrong with singing but when you are on verse 10 of some hymn, the music director is maximizing his or her minutes.

I don’t really take any issue with what I hear and what they say. I guess it is more of what I don’t hear, and what they don’t say.

End Times

The prophetic timeline for the return of Jesus began with Israel becoming a State in 1948. The clock is ticking. Conversely, the world is filling up with evil probably not witnessed since the times of Sodom and Gomorrah. In my mind the church should be preparing the congregation for the imminent return of Jesus.

Also, never once have I heard them take on the evil in the world. No discussion of abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, terrorism directed against Israel. Nothing.

Also the Bibile is a supernatural book filled with fascinating tales. You might hear about Jesus walking on the water, but how about the time he walked through a wall? Fallen Angels mating with human women creating a hybrid race of people. Moses and Joshua killing every man, woman, child and animals in a village.

I never hear about the signs of his return. I for one am stunned at the prophecies of Isaiah, Daniel, and Zephaniah. It disturbs me that Ezekiel talks about Russia invading Israel (with other nations) and how that Russia is putting bases near the Golan Heights as we speak. Heck, the United Nations has a base in Syria on Mount Hermon.

In short, if it sounds CRAZY OR CONTROVERSIAL you won’t hear it in many organized religion churches. They don’t want to take it on. Whether it is through fear of retribution or the loss of donations or both, I can’t really say.

Closing Thoughts

If your church won’t talk about the tough stuff or prepare you for the End Times they aren’t looking out for YOU. They are looking out for THEMSELVES. Their job is to tell the truth and preach Gods word. If something is offensive to God and the church pretends it doesn’t exist you probably should get out of that church.

They should be actively fighting against the “world” and not worrying about a City Council accusing them of Hate Speech.

Abortion And The Bible

Abortion And The Bible

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything here and I decided to pick a hot topic. Why not? Abortion is quite scientific and medically advancing and I think this fits into the theme of this blog which is Bible Technology.

The Bible establishes pretty quickly in Exodus 21 22-25 that hurting a pregnant woman and causing her to miscarry should result in civil action (fine by judge). If the woman dies as a result, the offender should be put to death as well.

22 “If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely[a] but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. 23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

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Bible Accuracy

Bible Accuracy

This last week saw an escalation between US forces and Iranian proxies in Iraq and Syria. We also seem be engaged militarily with the Houthis in Yemen. This really got me thinking about Bible Accuracy. It’s really quite staggering when you think about it.

Let’s roll back the clock to around 630 B.C. The minor prophet Zephaniah had quite a bit to write about future events. Here is a snippet from Zephaniah 2.

For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation: they shall drive out Ashdod at the noon day, and Ekron shall be rooted up.

Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of the Lord is against you; O Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.

I’ll leave it to you to Google the current locations but we all know where Gaza is in the current news cycle. Ashkelon is in Israel and is no stranger to attacks from Gaza.

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Uzziah Made Machines

Uzziah Made Machines

Been a bit since I updated this blog. For an over 2000 year old book, the Bible contains quite a bit of science and technology. While this entry will be pretty brief I found this story interesting. This is the story of young King Uzziah.

I think when we think of wars or battles in the Bible we think of armies marching, possibly having some sort of protective gear on and having hand carried weapons like spears or axes or slingshots.

But in 2 Chronicles 26 along comes a young king named Uzziah who built machines of war.

2 Chronicles 26:15 KJV

15 And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvellously helped, till he was strong.

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Ezekiel 38 Update

Ezekiel 38 Update

While I try to keep this site about Technology in the Bible, I’ve always thought that telling the future is a pretty neat technological trick. This entry will be regarding a snippet taken from verse 8 of Ezekiel 38.

One of my favorite teachers is Dr. Chuck Missler. He always said that the Bible is an Integrated Message System. That it is divinely inspired, outside of our understanding of time and space. It is really undeniable (even though many do deny it) that the Bible tells the future.

My favorite prophecy subject is Ezekiel 38. The Gog Magog wars. This post will be brief. Consequently, something happened this week that made the hair on the back of head stand up a little bit. Here is a snippet of Ezekiel 38:8

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