Prayer Technology

Prayer Technology

I have trouble praying. So I have been seeking how to examine that. By trouble, I mean that when I start to pray, which is many times at night I fall asleep before I get too deep in prayer. Even as I begin to write this it is 6:30 AM and I am at my daughter’s home. I got up to let the dogs out and now I’m writing this. In this paragraph my wife texts me and asks me to come back to bed. My wife is the sweetest and kindest person I know and I’m sure not blaming her for the block but it seems like every time I try to communicate with God there is an interference of some sort.

I just used the text this morning as an example. The block can basically be just any sort of distraction. In no way ever would I imply that my wife was blocking my prayers. She supports prayer and devotionals on a daily basis and does them herself and encourages me to grow closer to God. I’m so lucky.

So, I’m trying to figure out what is going on. One of the most epic prayer blocks ever occurs in Daniel 10 around verse 12. Daniel sees bad news on the horizon for Persia and he prays to God who immediately hears him and dispatches the Archangel Gabriel.

12 Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. 14 Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come.”

Gabriel was blocked for 21 days in response to Daniel and needed the help of the Archangel Michael to get past the Prince of Persia.

Think About That

God sends Daniel an Angel, and not just any angel, but an Archangel. A very powerful being. He gets embroiled in something with the Prince of Persia for TWENTY ONE DAYS.

This is a point lost of most Christians, I think. There are entities (fallen angels) assigned to certain geographical areas. Evil continually persists in those regions because they are quite literally watched over by the fallen ones. Philistia (Gaza) is another good example of a geographical region which is controlled by other than human governments.

A good place to see what the Fallen Angels were up to is 1 Enoch. The book of Enoch is not part of the Bible but it is referenced in the Bible. In fact Jude 1:14 is a direct quote from the Book of Enoch. Anyway, Enoch names names and their assignments.

What Can You Do?

God heard Daniel instantly. But it took 21 days for Gabriel to fight his way there. I’m sure that Daniel of the Bible is way more significant than I will ever be but if Daniel can be interrupted I’m certain that I’m no match for any of this.

Have I caused myself to fall asleep while praying because I’m tranquil and comforted? Or do I actively get blocked? One way I combat this is to pray out loud many times when I am driving. I won’t fall asleep then.

I also find myself overwhelmed on what to pray for. The world we live in is quite simply evil. Not all of it but certainly most of it. Toss in a geographical Prince or two and I’m probably no match for that. I want extend my thanks to the Creator and pray for my blessings. There is SO MUCH that needs to be prayed for and I’m just not sure where to start or where to end.

I currently am just trying to pray for “how to pray”. There is a growing need for me to talk to my Creator. And I want to appear as acceptable to him when I do it. Maybe I don’t feel acceptable. How can I be as a life long sinner?

I think I just have to keep plugging away at it and pray in situations that can’t be interrupted. The radio in the truck has an off switch. And I find it hard not to find glory in God when driving down the roads near me with beautiful rivers, and woods, and skies. The colors, the elaborate design, and the sheer beauty of creation are worthy of a lifetime of prayer in and among themselves.

What’s My Point?

I didn’t dive very deep into this one but Daniels prayers were heard and then subsequently an attempt to block them was made. It failed. There is peace in me knowing that prayer can be slowed down but God and his Angels will always prevail.

I can pick up the phone and know that I’m talking to someone and I need to take that attitude. When I initiate conversation with God I need to know I’m talking with him and I mostly pray I am worthy enough to be heard.

So is there Supernatural Technology at play here? Maybe. Or do I just get inside my own head? All I can do is pray about it.

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